Sunday, December 19, 2010

享受工作 Enjoying Work

享受工作 Enjoying Work

1. 忙而不乱,累而不疲。
Be busy without being disorganized and weary without being dispirited.
2. 忙得快乐,累得欢喜。
Be busy but happy and tired but joyful.
3. 忙, 没关系, 不烦就好。
It's fine to be busy: just don't let it get on your nerves.
4. 工作要赶不要急,身心要松不要紧。
Work swiftly, but don't tense up; relax your body and mind and never tighten up.
5. 应该忙中有序的赶工作,不要紧张兮兮的抢时间。
Work swiftly is an orderly fashion; never compete with time in a nervous flurry。


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